
Saturday 29 August 2009

Guess where I was today!!!!

My youngest daughter is at a music festival today in Galston at Loudoun Castle Park called 'Retrofest'.
I had to drive her through to Galston from Motherwell. After I dropped her off I attempted to find the Cemetery in Galston - which I had never been to before.
My middle daughter Gillian came with me. We found the Cemetery no problem and I hadn't realised it was so large. We walked around the older section in the hope that there might be an old grave stone with the Batton name on it. We didn't see anything. I have written to the Church of Scotland to check where George Batton (died 1872) in buried. As he died in Newmilns I wasn't sure if he was buried in Newmilns or Galston.

Gillian asked 'what are you looking for' and I just replied anything with the Batton name on it O:) As we were walking back towards the car the gravestones started to get newer and I realised I was MAD! This was going to be difficult.

Then I noticed this stone with the name Lily Connell on it. I recognised that name from past research. On checking further I realise now that this grave belongs to Lily Connell, daughter of Elizabeth Batton. This makes Lily a cousin of my Grandfather George.
Elizabeth was the oldest daughter of my great great grandfather Andrew Batton, and sister of my great grandfather George Batton.
Lily Connell appears in the 1901 Census at Ironworks Square at the home of her grandparents Andrew & Lilias Batton. I guess Lily is named after her grandmother.
I notice that the women in the family tend to outlive the men by quite a few years.....

As we walked around the newer part of the cemetery I looked to see if I could find any other Batton gravestones.

I then came across the grave of my papa's sister Lily Batton. Another girl, named after her great grandmother Lilias Batton ms McGregor.

Lily McGregor Batton was born on 5th October 1903 at Ironworks Square. The daughter of George Batton and Margaret McCurdie.
Lily lived to the grand old age of 95, outliving her husband by almost 33 years. A lifetime!

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