
Saturday 29 August 2009

Gravestone : my great grandmother Margaret McCurdie Batton

Above is the gravestone of my great grandmother Maggie McCurdie - this photo was taken after her funeral in October 1959. Almost 50 years ago.

Walking around the Galston cemetery today I could barely make out the name on this stone below. And realised it was the same stone as I'd previously seen in the photographs.
My great grandmother's gravestone. I almost didn't see it but Gillian was persistent that we look along one more row before walking to the car.

Time has taken it's toll on what was a beautiful memorial to their mother.
I don't know if anyone reading this can answer one important question.
Is her husband George Batton buried alongside her.
He died in 1929, she outlived him by 30 years.
And her gravestone makes no mention of her Batton surname.
I thought this very unusual. Was there a reason for not putting her married name?

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