
Sunday 30 December 2012

Margaret McCurdie Brown Batton born 1940 died 2012

I can't believe I haven't posted anything on my blog page since May 2012.

A lot has happened since then..... Sadly, my mother Margaret passed away on Wednesday 10th October 2012.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Titanic connections

I'm sure the 100 year anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic did not pass very many people by.  It was in the news on both sides of the Atlantic and I noticed an article on an American website which made reference to the Ryerson family who were travelling on the Titanic, on what was already a very sad journey home. I thought I would share the video with you. (note - it may only be available for a short time.)

Arthur Ryerson and his family are connected to us through sisters Barbara, Susan and Patricia Paton.
Their father Kenneth Paton was the grandson of Samuel Batton (Paton) & Isabella Anderson.
Samuel was the brother of  George Paton (formerly Batton), John Batton and my great great grandfather Andrew Batton.
Kenneth and his wife Mary Hyde Clarke.  It was Mary's mother Emily Maria Borie Ryerson and grandparents (Arthur and his wife Emily who were travelling on the Titanic.

My daughter is in Belfast and I asked her stop at the Titanic Memorial Gardens to look for Arthur's name on the newly unveiled monument. She also stopped at the Titanic Museum to take a photo.

New connections

Apologies for the lack of updates recently. Been scouring the universe for new relatives and as usual I came up trumps.

I recently made contact (via social network site) with twins Debbie & Carol - they are the daughters of my Mum's cousin, Margaret Mair & her husband George Garven.
Margaret Mair was the daughter of Helen (Nellie) Batton and her husband John Mair. Nellie moved to Canada/USA in the 1950's following the death of her husband. Nellie was the sister of my Papa George Batton.

I'll point Debbie & Carol to the blog so that they can read up on the Batton/Paton families.

I also recently made contact via ancestry website with a cousin of Debbie & Carol's.  Mike Mair, the son of Jacky Mair, made contact through his fiance's family.  Looking for information on the family.

More names and facts to add to the ever growing branches of the family tree.

I will ask them for any family photos so that I can share them with everyone.

Friday 17 February 2012

A new Batton connection

Another new connection with the Batton family.  I received a message from a lady named Jacqueline Glass (ms Kerr).  She had came across my blogger on the Batton family which happens to include a member of her family. So here goes.......

Jacqueline's mother was Elizabeth Batton Connell, daughter of Elizabeth Batton and Henry Connell. 
Elizabeth Batton Connell was born circa 1914 and died in 2010 aged 96 years.  She married Peter Kerr in 1937 in Galston, Ayrshire.

So here's the connection with most of you Batton kin.......

Jacqueline's grandmother, Elizabeth Connell (ms Batton), was the sister of my great grandfather George Batton (b1879) and Robert McGregor Batton (b1901) (Doreen's Dad).  Elizabeth Connell died very young in 1919, aged 42 years.

Jacqueline's mum Elizabeth Kerr (ms Connell) was the 1st cousin of:
My Papa George
Maggie Strachan (Bill's Mum)
May Gladwell (Richard's Mum)
Cissy Toner (John Davey's Gran, Betty Davey's Mum)
Andrew Batton Jnr (Andy's Dad)

Brian Long - I was trying to figure out the Batton/Connell connection with your Mum/Gran.
Jacqueline's gran Elizabeth Batton Connell and your great grandmother Lilias Batton Connell were sisters. Jacqueline and your Gran, Elizabeth Batton Young would have been 1st cousins.

Welcome Jacqueline to the ever growing family tree that is the Batton family.
It goes to prove to me (yet again) that it's a small, small, small, small world!

Friday 13 January 2012

Old photos - don't laugh

My Aunt Jean Adamson ms Batton taken in 1963 - the baby on her knee is me!!! Taken at my Gran and Papa's house at 3 Paterson Terrace, Darvel, Ayshire. Aunt Jean was born in March 1949 so she was around 14 years old here.

Oh my goodness - look at my Mum (Margaret McCurdie Brown Murray ms Batton) - this photo was taken at our house in Clarkwell Road, Hamilton. I am on the left, my brothers Raymond in the middle and Stephen on the right. Raymond was born in March 1969 and is a baby in the pic so I guess it was takne later in 1969 - my Mum was 29 at that time.
Me, my Aunt Jean Adamson ms Batton and my Mum - Margaret McCurdie Brown Murray ms Batton. This photo was taken about 10 years ago.
My Dad (Duncan McMillan Murray) on the left. The photo has "Motherwell April 20th" written on the back and looks to be taken late 1950's. My Dad was born in January 1936 and this looks like his National Service.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Sarah Cameron Batton photograph

I found the Declaration of Intention, Petition for Citizenship and Oath of Allegiance for both John Batton and his wife Sarah Cameron Batton ms McCandlish from May 1935.
Previously I had only came across the Petitions for both persons but tonight I checked to see what was on the pages before and after and couldn't believe my luck when I found that the other 2 documents for each of them were there, complete with photographs. Unfortunately John's photo is too blurry but Sarah's is visible. How neat is that.

Genealogists' Disease

Genealogists' Disease


This condition is very contagious to adults.


Continual complaint as to need for names, dates and places.

Patient has a blank expression, sometimes deaf to spouse and children. Has no taste for work of any kind except feverishly looking through records at libraries and Record Offices. Has complusion to write letters. Swears at postman when he doesn't leave mail. Frequents strange places such as cemeteries, ruins and remote, desolate country areas. Makes secret night calls, mumbles to self. Has strange faraway look in eyes.

<><> <><>


Medication is useless. Disease is not fatal, but gets progressively worse. Patient should attend Family History Workshops, subscribe to Genealogical magazines and be given a quiet corner of the house where he, or she, can be alone.

The usual nature of the disease is - the sicker the patient gets, the more he, or she enjoys it!

Friday 6 January 2012

New file added - John Batton & Sarah McCandlish (File number 5b)

I have added a new file on the right hand menu titled 5B - John Batton & Sarah McCandlish.
Enjoy reading.


Thursday 5 January 2012

Another branch on the Batton family tree

Just wanted to let you all know that I have managed to find yet another connection with the Batton family.
I had contacted Kerry Noonan back in November and only got a response today, much to both our delight.

Kerry's grandmother was Florence Batton who was the daughter of John Batton & Sarah McCandlish.  John and Sarah emigrated to New York in 1929.

John was the younger brother of my great grandfather George Batton (born 1879) and also the  next oldest brother of Robert Batton (Doreen's father). 

So Kerry's Dad and Doreen are first cousins.......

Once I get more information I will post on the blog.

Great start to 2012.

Monday 2 January 2012

Obituary of Patricia Hyde Paton Jurey

I first made contact with Patricia in August of 2009 when I was researching her great grandfather Samuel Batton / Paton, brother of our relatives Andrew & John Batton.

I was very sad to hear from Dick von Briesen that Patricia had passed away on 27th December 2011. Condolences to her sisters Barbie von Briesen and Susan Liu.

Patricia's obituary is in the newpaper and the link is below. This link may disappear over time so I have copied the photograph and obituary below.
Mrs. Jurey grew up in Pleasantville, N.Y., and was graduated from Foxhollow School in Lenox, Massachusetts. After graduation she attended the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. She lived in Massachusetts, Ohio and Illinois before settling in Oklahoma. She first resided in Bethany, Oklahoma, and worked for the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments, the Midwest City Police Department, and lastly Turner Brothers Company as data processing manager. In 1995, she retired and moved to Ardmore.
For the past 16 years, Mrs. Jurey resided in Ardmore and was very active in community service. She served on the Board of the American Red Cross of Southern Oklahoma. She was a faithful member of Triangle Home and Community Education and served in many capacities, including as President of the Carter County HCE Homemakers. She was also a member of the Daughters of the American Colonists and Mensa. Mrs. Jurey, a member of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Ardmore, was active in the church Altar Guild and the Daughters of the King.
An especially important aspect of her community activities has been her service with the Daughters of the American Revolution. Pat joined DAR in 1985, and, during her membership, Pat served the National Society as a member of the DAR Speakers Staff, South Central Division Vice Chairman DAR Scholarship and most recently as National Vice Chairman American Indian Scholarship. She also served as State Recording Secretary and several State Chairmanships including, Insignia, DAR Speakers Staff and DAR Magazine. She was the Honorary Regent of the Ardmore Chapter and had served as the Chapter Regent, First Vice Regent and Recording Secretary. She received various awards for her outstanding service with the DAR over the past 25 years and gave countless educational presentations to elementary schools throughout Oklahoma on American civic and historical topics. Of particular mention were her discussions on Preserving Your Family History – to give an example of what could be done, she researched and presented the history of several family members who were on board the Titanic.
Above all, she will be remembered as a remarkable wife, mother and grandmother.
She is survived by her husband, Dwight; two sisters, Barbara von Briesen of Kingston, Ontario, Canada, and Susan P. Liu of Pasadena, California; three children, Katherine S. Addleman of Dallas, Texas, Robert M. Smith of Katy, Texas, and Diana S. Walters of Coppell, Texas; and eight grandchildren, Elizabeth, Virginia and Charlotte Addleman, Abigail Smith Dumont and Bethany Smith, Angela Walters Garza and Mitchell and Conner Walters; and one great-grandchild, Brooks Garza. She is also survived by three stepchildren, Dena Morello of Fort Pierce, Florida, Darla Cates of Okarche, Oklahoma, and Douglas Jurey of Reno, Texas; and 13 stepgrandchildren.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to the Oklahoma Society Daughters of the American Revolution “Hearts and Hands Healthcare Scholarship,” payable to OSDAR, 2212 Brookwood Dr., Edmond, OK 73034.

Services are scheduled for Friday, December 30, 2011, at 2:30 p.m. at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Ardmore. Burial will be at Lakewood Cemetery, Cooperstown, N.Y.   Condolences may be left at