
Friday 13 January 2012

Old photos - don't laugh

My Aunt Jean Adamson ms Batton taken in 1963 - the baby on her knee is me!!! Taken at my Gran and Papa's house at 3 Paterson Terrace, Darvel, Ayshire. Aunt Jean was born in March 1949 so she was around 14 years old here.

Oh my goodness - look at my Mum (Margaret McCurdie Brown Murray ms Batton) - this photo was taken at our house in Clarkwell Road, Hamilton. I am on the left, my brothers Raymond in the middle and Stephen on the right. Raymond was born in March 1969 and is a baby in the pic so I guess it was takne later in 1969 - my Mum was 29 at that time.
Me, my Aunt Jean Adamson ms Batton and my Mum - Margaret McCurdie Brown Murray ms Batton. This photo was taken about 10 years ago.
My Dad (Duncan McMillan Murray) on the left. The photo has "Motherwell April 20th" written on the back and looks to be taken late 1950's. My Dad was born in January 1936 and this looks like his National Service.

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