
Monday 21 February 2011

Connection with the Massey's

Well, after a couple of days off work and on the search of more family members, I struck lucky with my findings and I've laughed about it most of the day with my husband and the kids.

When I found the will of Alexander Massey and plugged the family info into it took me to Alexander's grandson, also named Alexander Massey - who was born in Saintfield in 1863 and moved to Manchester, Connecticut, USA in the 1880's.... I just kept plugging in the family information and merging into mine until I became rather alarmed that it had brought me full circle from my "home" town of Hamilton, Scotland to Saintfield Northern Ireland, over to the USA and here I was finding ancestors from Hamilton, Lanarkshire.
But the names were a bit TOO FAMILIAR to me. I couldn't help smile when I started seeing some "famous names" but I'll let you look at the names that appeared as I went back generation by generation from Alexander Massey!
The names on the left are my connection to Alexander Massey Snr (father in law of George Batton Snr who died in Newmilns, Ayrshire in September 1872 - ironically Alexander died in November 1872).
The names on the right are the connection with Alexander going back one generation at a time - either maternal or paternal connection.... and each time it explains the connection to me, Sandra Murray O:)

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