
Saturday 9 May 2009

Observations on the Batton family history from old documents

Personal observations of the Batton family :

Ø ELLEN/HELEN – BORN 1848 – Born Ireland
Ø SAMUEL –B ORN 1853 – Born Scotland?
Ø JOHN – BORN 1854 – Born Belfast
Ø ROBERT – BORN 1855 – Born Ireland
Ø ANDREW – BORN 1856 – Born Ireland
Ø GEORGE – BORN 1860 (Born Galston?)
Ø 1863 George Batton is in Tonaghmore, Saintfield
Ø 1867 – July, George Batton at daughter Ellen wedding in Saintfield

1872 – George Batton death certificate. Age is listed as ‘shows 65 years’ - When and Where died : 30th September 1872 at 08:45am – at Union Street, Newmilns. Father was William Batton.
Suffered from heart disease. Seen after death by Dr Davidson. As per report of F C Cross, Proc Fiscal. Death registered by son, Samuel Batton, Burnhouse Cottage, Galston.

Ellen/Helen Batton – Ellen Batton marries James Gordon in Saintfield Ireland in July 1867. Ellen’s father is showing as George Batton. Witness is Robert Massey. George also shows in the 1863 Griffiths Valuation in Tonaghmore, Saintfield. Neighbours are Alexander and Robert Massey. George Batton shows on every death certificate as being spouse of Eliza Massey.
o Ellen and James show in the 1881 Census in Riccarton, Hurlford. Their children are Elisabeth, Susan, W John – all born in Ireland. Children Alexander and George born in Galston and Hurlford. Is Alexander named after Eliza Massey’s brother or father and George after her own father?

Samuel Batton gets married on 26th April 1877 at 153 Gloucester Street to Isabella Anderson. He is already calling himself Paton now. One of the witnesses is Alexander Paton. Is this a relative? Is this linked with why Samuel calls himself Paton now and registers his children Paton.

o Samuel Paton first child is born on 6th August 1877 and is named George Crawford Paton and they are living at 153 Gloucester Street, Tradeston, Glasgow. Note that parents are David Anderson and Margaret Anderson previously Dinning ms Chalmers.
o 1881 Census – Samuel Paton living at 153 Gloucester Street with wife Isabella and 2 children, George and David. Two boarders also living there – Crawford Dinning (widower age 65 years) and William Dinning. Probably a relative of Isabella’s mother.
o Samuel advises that he is 30 and was born in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire. Year of birth circa 1850/1. Census taken in April 1881 so he would turn 31 in May if the US census info below is correct.
o 1900 US Census shows Samuel Batton, Bella Batton, George Baton and David Paton. Samuel is listed with birth date of May 1850 and was 50 last birthday. Bella birth is August 1849 and 50 last birthday. George is July 1877 and age 22 years, David is August 1879 and aged 20 years. Also living there is Margaret Anderson, sister. Born March 1845, age 55 and single. Place of birth of Samuel and mother and father is listed as Scotland!
o They advise they have all been living in USA for 15 years and arrived in 1885.

v John Batton, age 19, marries Jessie Steel on 21st February1873, less than 5 months after his father’s death. On the marriage certificate John’s address is listed as Burnhouse Cottages, Galston. So we know that both John and Samuel are living in this area. Children born Ironwork Square except Agnes, born Bowling Green Lane.
o On the 1920 Census John Batton lists that he was born in Ireland and that his father is English and Mother is Irish. Age is showing as 66 – born 1854. This matches the 1920 passport application and the Ship listing for 1921.

Robert Batton 1882 – I have found record of Robert Batton on 3 occasions. In 1881 Census in Galston Robert Batton lives with Jessie Batton. On Castlegarden website there is a listing showing that Robert Batton arrived in USA on 18 May 1882 on the ship State of Indiana. Jessie Batton and her 3 children are listed – George, Samuel and Agnes.
o On the 1881 Census for 11 Ironwork Square there is a Robert Baton, head, wife Jessie S Baton and children George, age 4 and Samuel age 4. Robert listed as born in Ireland. Was John Batton’s middle name Robert. Was he John Robert Batton? I thought this to be the case until I was the 1900 Census for Manhattan and the listing shows John Batton, Jessie Steel and their 7 children (2 born Galston, 5 born NY) – right at the bottom of the listing for the children is Batton, Robert – brother, born Ireland 1856. This proves that John Batton and Robert Batton were two different people.

Andrew Batton – lives in Ironwork Square until he moves to Douglas Water in Lanarkshire. Married Lilias McGregor from Riccarton. 1877 Marriage shows he lives at Ayr Road, Dalserf. His son George born in Brewland Street, Galston in 1879. Andrew was born in 1856 in Ireland.

George Paton 1950 Death certificate shows that he is George Paton (formerly Batton). His parents are George Batton and Eliza Massie. George marries twice, his first wife Margaret Eadie dies after almost 9 months of marriage. George has 3 children with his 2nd wife Janet Fyfe (d 2-Apr 1915)
o Sarah Fyfe Paton, marries William Ward Russell in 1917, Cambuslang
o George Fyfe Paton (d 24-Mar-1922 age 27, widow of Jeanie Arnott)
o Samuel Fyfe Paton (marries Helen Vernon in 1920 in Cambuslang)
o On the 1891 Census George Paton is living as a Lodger at 4 Park Street. He is living with the Fyfe family (William and Agnes and their children). Most probably they are relatives of Sarah’s. Listed that he was born in Galston and he is 25 years old. So born circa 1865/6.
o George and Janet Fyfe marry in July 1891 and George is listed as living at 4 Park Street. Janet is the daughter of Samuel and Sarah Fyfe. They name their children after their parents.
o Then again on the 1901 Census, George Paton Snr lists that he was born in Galston, Ayrshire whilst his family are all born in Cambuslang, Lanarkshire. They are living at 130 Vicarland, Cambuslang.

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