
Saturday, 18 April 2009

Obituary from Lanark Gazette for Jim Batton

I came back from America to an email from Ian Paterson (husband of Doreen Batton) to let me know that Doreen's brother had passed away when I was on holiday.

There was an obituary in the Lanark Gazette on Thursday 9th April 2o09 which read :

The village was saddened to learn of the death of Jim Batton, a well loved and respected member of a well known Douglas family. Jim died on March 23, and although his health had deteriorated in recent months you could often find him on the High Street in Lanark, (his place of residence for some years,) where he was thrilled to speak to anyone he recognised from the village.
Jim, born in Douglas West, was a footballer of some renown who, together with an older brother Andrew, played for several local clubs including Douglas West, where they won the Stark Cup against Biggar nine goals to one, Jim having scored six of the nine. He played for several local teams including Douglasdale, Douglas Water Thistle and such was his prowess, that Jim eventually played for Hibernian where he played against his brother Andrew - and won - when he played for Greenock Morton.
Jim also played for Sligo Rovers in the Irish League.
Andrew also played for Manchester City in his prime. Unfortunately, Andrew passed on a few years ago.
Jim is survived by his widow Helen, daughter Linda and six sisters - Lily, Grace, Matt, Nan, Jeanette and Doreen - and to all of them, the village extends its warmest sympathy in their loss.

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