
Friday 17 February 2012

A new Batton connection

Another new connection with the Batton family.  I received a message from a lady named Jacqueline Glass (ms Kerr).  She had came across my blogger on the Batton family which happens to include a member of her family. So here goes.......

Jacqueline's mother was Elizabeth Batton Connell, daughter of Elizabeth Batton and Henry Connell. 
Elizabeth Batton Connell was born circa 1914 and died in 2010 aged 96 years.  She married Peter Kerr in 1937 in Galston, Ayrshire.

So here's the connection with most of you Batton kin.......

Jacqueline's grandmother, Elizabeth Connell (ms Batton), was the sister of my great grandfather George Batton (b1879) and Robert McGregor Batton (b1901) (Doreen's Dad).  Elizabeth Connell died very young in 1919, aged 42 years.

Jacqueline's mum Elizabeth Kerr (ms Connell) was the 1st cousin of:
My Papa George
Maggie Strachan (Bill's Mum)
May Gladwell (Richard's Mum)
Cissy Toner (John Davey's Gran, Betty Davey's Mum)
Andrew Batton Jnr (Andy's Dad)

Brian Long - I was trying to figure out the Batton/Connell connection with your Mum/Gran.
Jacqueline's gran Elizabeth Batton Connell and your great grandmother Lilias Batton Connell were sisters. Jacqueline and your Gran, Elizabeth Batton Young would have been 1st cousins.

Welcome Jacqueline to the ever growing family tree that is the Batton family.
It goes to prove to me (yet again) that it's a small, small, small, small world!