
Tuesday 4 January 2011

Some of our connections and the generations

The Long family - Canada - Christmas 2010- left to right
On rocking chair is Brian's wife Nicole (Labreche) with their youngest daughter Evyn, on the sofa is Daniel Mouck, Bonnie Elizabeth Mouck (Brian's sister) with their son Cameron Daniel Mouck, Lilian Connell Fleming Long (nee Mair) on her lap is Brian & Nicole's oldest daughter Emma, then at the far right is Brian James Long.
On the floor is Lilian's husband James Howard Long with Brian & Nicole's middle daughter Ellie Audrey Long.

Below shows the family connections and generations.
Brian is 6 generations from George & Eliza Massey on his maternal line.
Me (Sandra) is 5 generations from them on maternal line
Bill Strachan is 4 generations from them on maternal line
John Davey is 4 generations from them on maternal line
Doreen Paterson (nee Batton) is probably the closest in line to them with only 3 generations.